Become a CONFIDENT Singer in Just 13 Days

Perfect if you’re busy—you can do this while driving, doing dishes, or any 15-minute break with my Shortcut Method!

Become a Singer in 13 Days

online singing course

Hi there!

I’m that guy who went from being told to stop singing to singing for hundreds of thousands on YouTube, and I want the same transformation for you!

When I started singing in 2006, I wasn’t what you’d call naturally gifted.

In fact, my father told me once, “You know son, there are people born with the talent to sing and those that aren’t, you just don’t have it”. OUCH, did that hurt, so I know the feeling.

But I loved music too much to quit. I joined a high school band, writing songs with my best friends, and eventually found myself diving deep into the world of vocal technique, trying to piece together my voice from scratch.

At first, in 2006 I took lessons with an opera singer who didn’t quite get where I was coming from, and that actually set me back.

So, I turned to an online course—back when you’d still get CDs in the mail! While it helped, I didn’t have the feedback I needed to break through.

Fast forward a few years, and I finally connected with the right coaches, and slowly, my voice transformed.

In 2018, I posted a video of my vocal journey—compiling snippets of my singing from the very beginning to where I was then—and it went viral, hitting over 6 million views.

That video showed me (and my growing audience) just how powerful dedication can be, even when you start from zero.

But here’s the thing: the process I used to go from “please stop singing” to a confident vocalist wasn’t quick or easy.

I learned that there’s no overnight hack to becoming a great singer. It’s about doing the work, the right way.

Now, I have over half a million subscribers on YouTube, I coach singers, from total beginners to professionals, and I’ve helped countless people transform their voices through my courses and lessons.

Here’s what I discovered: You don’t need to be born with talent to become a great singer. You need the right tools, the right guidance, and the persistence to keep showing up.

Now I’m fully booked with 1:1 coaching, and I’ve sold over 40,000 copies of the Better Singer Blueprint and it’s helping singers all over the world hit those high notes they thought were out of reach.

The best part? I know this process works because I’ve lived it.


Your voice is waiting to be unlocked. Let’s make it happen!

Student Results

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Hearing others sing beautifully while you're stuck with a terrible voice?

It’s frustrating. You’ve probably heard that natural talent is required to sing well. 

But what if all you want is to sing confidently for your friends and family, without distracting others or yourself with how bad you sound? 

Imagine surprising everyone with how well you can carry a tune, even without aiming to be the next Mariah Carey. 

Whether you want to sing in your community or just enjoy singing for yourself, you’re in the right place.

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